Unraveling the Mystery in Absentia
Absentia is an American crime drama television series that premiered on September 25, 2017, on AXN. The show follows the story of FBI agent Emily Byrne as she navigates her return to work after a six-year disappearance. Emily is forced to confront her past and present, as she struggles to uncover the truth about her abduction. The show stars Stana Katic as Emily and Patrick Heusinger as her husband, Nick. The series was created by Gaia Violo and Matthew Cirulnick.
Absentia received generally positive reviews from critics, with many praising Katic's performance and the show's suspenseful and thrilling plot. The series was renewed for a second season in January 2018, and the second season premiered in June 2019. The show has been praised for its twisty plot and intriguing characters and has been nominated for several awards, including a Golden Globe Award for Best Drama Series.
Cast: Stana Katic, Patrick Heusinger, Cara Theobold, Neil Jackson, Angel Bonanni.
Production: Masha Productions Media Brat Productions Bizu Productions