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Ratched is a dark and twisted thriller series that follows the life of Nurse Ratched – known in the popular show, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Set in 1947, the show follows Mildred Ratched as she maneuvers the dark and murky corridors of the psychiatric healthcare system. At the start of the show, we see Mildred as a precariously balanced woman whose past secrets and dark impulses propel her into an ever-evolving journey of twists and turns. The show's narrative is one of suspense and drama, as ever-escalating conflicts between powerful personalities come to a head, as Mildred's destiny seemingly hangs in the balance. With a brilliant cast, gripping plotlines, and some of the most suspenseful scenes ever put to screen, Ratched is one of 2020's must-watch thrillers. With each episode expertly crafted to cut right to the heart of the drama, viewers will be on the edge of their seats each and every time they tune in, as they wait for the next conflict to arise.
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