The Epic Drama of 'Dynasty'
Set in the wealthy Carrington family, the primetime soap opera Dynasty follows the lives of Blake Carrington and his family. Blake is the patriarch of the Carrington family and is the wealthy oil tycoon who was married to Alexis Carrington, the vengeful ex-wife of Blake. While Blake is fighting to keep his empire, he also faces personal and business issues with Alexis and her family. Blake's daughter Fallon and his adopted son Steven are also part of the drama.
Dynasty is a melodramatic family drama featuring power struggles, illicit affairs, love triangles, and of course, plenty of backstabbing. While it is filled with high-stakes drama, the series also features plenty of glamorous parties, fashion, and a look into the lives of the wealthy and powerful. The series stars John Forsythe, Joan Collins, Linda Evans, John James, and Heather Locklear.
Cast: Elizabeth Gillies, Nathalie Kelley, James Mackay, Robert Christopher Riley, Sam Adegoke, Rafael de la Fuente, Alan Dale, Grant Show, Nicollette Sheridan, Ana Brenda Contreras, Maddison Brown, Sam Underwood, Daniella Alonso, Michael Michele, Adam Huber, Elaine Hendrix, Eliza Bennett.
Production: Fake Empire Productions Richard and Esther Shapiro Productions Rabbit Ears, Inc. CBS Studios