Ancient Time Rome: Epic Historical Drama Series
Rome is an epic historical drama series that aired on HBO and BBC from 2005 to 2007. Set in the 1st century BC, the show follows the lives of two Roman soldiers, Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo, and their families as they struggle to survive in a rapidly changing world. Rome focuses on the political machinations of Julius Caesar and the rise of Octavian, as well as the personal lives of its protagonists. The show features an ensemble cast, including Kevin McKidd, Ray Stevenson, Ciarán Hinds, and James Purefoy. Rome also features a number of historical figures from the era, such as Cleopatra, Mark Antony, and Pompey.
Rome is known for its attention to detail and historical accuracy and has been praised for its large-scale battle scenes and dynamic characters. The show was nominated for numerous awards, including a Golden Globe and numerous Emmys. While it only ran for two seasons, Rome remains a critically acclaimed series, and is still beloved by fans today.
Cast: Kevin McKidd, Ray Stevenson, Polly Walker, Ciarán Hinds, Kenneth Cranham, Lindsay Duncan, Tobias Menzies, Kerry Condon, Karl Johnson, Indira Varma, David Bamber, Max Pirkis, Lee Boardman.
Production: N/A