Unraveling the Mystery: The Serpent
The Serpent is a crime drama series that follows the story of an infamous serial killer, Charles Sobhraj, and the detectives who try to bring him to justice. It is an eight-part series based on the true events of the 1970s that involve Sobhraj's cunning and deadly criminal activities in Bangkok, Thailand. The series follows the incredible efforts of two police officers, the French diplomat, and Sobhraj's victims as they work together to try and stop him from continuing to commit his heinous crimes.
The Serpent is a riveting show that features an all-star cast, including Tahar Rahim, Jenna Coleman, and Billy Howle. It follows the intense investigation and chase of the serial killer, and it is a must-watch for crime drama fans. It is a captivating series that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they eagerly await to find out if justice will be served. The Serpent is sure to keep you hooked with its thrilling story and exceptional performances.
A few of the show's most memorable quotes:
“You cannot run away from who you are, only what you have done.” – Athan
“If you want to make sure that evil never triumphs, you have to be ready to fight it.” – Charles Sobhraj
“Sometimes it takes a little evil to make the world a better place.” – Marie-Andrée Leclerc
“No one is ever as they appear on the surface.” – Herman Knippenberg
“Don’t let evil win by giving up.” – Nadine Gires
“The world is full of people who don’t want to be found, and sometimes it’s the only way to keep them from hurting more people.” – Ajay Chaudhary
“The truth is something you must discover for yourself. No one can tell it to you.” – Nadine Gires
“The only thing that can stop evil is justice.” – Charles Sobhraj
“It’s never too late to understand who we are and why we do the things we do.” – Marie-Andrée Leclerc
“Sometimes it takes darkness to reveal the light.” – Herman Knippenberg
Cast: Tahar Rahim, Jenna Coleman, Billy Howle, Ellie Bamber, Amesh Edireweera, Tim McInnerny, Dasha Nekrasova, Mathilde Warnier.
Production: Mammoth Screen Living Films.