Bloodline - An Intense Netflix Series Tackling Family Secrets
Bloodline is an American Netflix original drama series created by Todd A. Kessler, Daniel Zelman, and Glenn Kessler. The series stars Kyle Chandler, Ben Mendelsohn, Linda Cardellini, Norbert Leo Butz, and Sissy Spacek. The series follows the Rayburn family, a close-knit family living in the Florida Keys. As the family's dark secrets and lies are slowly revealed, tensions rise between the siblings, and the consequences of their actions come to light. Bloodline is an intense and gripping series that explores the dark underbelly of family secrets and lies.
A few of the show's most memorable quotes:
"You can't erase your past. It's part of who you are." - John Rayburn
"Sometimes you have to do bad things for the right reasons." - Kevin Rayburn
"If you can't be honest with yourself, how can you be honest with anybody else?" - Meg Rayburn
"The truth is, sometimes it's hard to walk the line between right and wrong." - Danny Rayburn
"You can't run away from your problems, they'll catch up with you eventually." -Roberta "Bobby" Rayburn
"You can't keep running away from your demons. They always find you." - Diana Rayburn
"The past is always with us, you can't escape it, no matter how hard you try." - Marco Diaz
"It's not about what you did, it's about who you are." - Sally Rayburn
"Nobody can ever really know what's going on inside someone else's head." - Eric O'Bannon
"Sometimes, it's better to face the truth, no matter how hard it may be." - Jane Rayburn
"You think you can make things right by keeping secrets, but all you're doing is digging yourself in deeper. What you don't understand is, you can't run away from your past; it follows you, no matter where you go." - Kevin Rayburn
"You can't change the past, but you can make the future better. That's why you have to be honest with yourself and the people around you, because the truth is the only way to make things better." - Meg Rayburn
"You can't outrun your problems, you have to face them and deal with them. That's the only way to make things right." - Danny Rayburn
"No matter how much you try to hide from the truth, it will always find a way to come out. You can't keep running away from it; you have to face it, because it's the only way to make sure you don't make the same mistakes again." - Roberta "Bobby" Rayburn
"The most important thing is to be honest with yourself and with the people around you, because that's the only way to make things better." - Diana Rayburn