Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan: The Action-Packed Thriller Series
Jack Ryan is an American television series that premiered on Amazon Prime Video in 2018. The show is based on the character Jack Ryan from the novels written by Tom Clancy, and it is created by Carlton Cuse and Graham Roland. The series stars John Krasinski as the titular character, a CIA analyst who is thrust into a dangerous field assignment for the first time and uncovers a pattern in terrorist communication that launches him into the center of a dangerous gambit. The show explores themes of international politics, espionage, and the personal and professional lives of the characters as they navigate a complex web of political and personal intrigue. The series received generally positive reviews from audiences and critics and it has been praised for its performances, writing, and ability to expand upon the world and characters of Tom Clancy's novels. The series has had multiple seasons and is still ongoing.
Cast: John Krasinski, Abbie Cornish, Wendell Pierce, John Hoogenakker, Dina Shihabi.
Production: Genre Arts, Push, Boot., Platinum Dunes, Skydance Television, Paramount Television Studios, Amazon Studios, Sunday Night Productions.